Eating with Ease!

MyTealTicket is a restaurant order form that alerts the staff of your specific food allergies.

It’s free! Just download and print.

What exactly is my teal ticket?

MyTealTicket is a restaurant order form that helps people with food allergies have a safe and enjoyable dining experience. The teal color stands out from all of the other restaurant order tickets, which makes it easier for the chef when they prepare your meal.

By using MyTealTicket, you are raising awareness about life threatening food allergies and the accommodations that need to take place in order to ensure a safe and enjoyable dining experience.

A worry I commonly have while eating out is...

“What if the waiter mixes up my allergy for another?”

MyTealTicket greatly reduces that worry because the allergens are clearly listed and check marked. Allergens that are often confused for one-another, (e.g. Peanuts and Tree Nuts) are separated from each other. The teal color of the ticket also stands out from the other restaurant order forms, reinforcing the extra care that needs to be taken to provide you with a safe dining experience.

Download Yours Today

Who Is This For?


MyTealTicket is for children, teens, and adults with food allergies who want to make their dining experiences safer and more enjoyable.


It’s perfect for parents who want to take their children with food allergies out to restaurants.


Restaurant managers, waiters, waitresses, and chefs find it helpful because the allergens are clearly listed which ensures that proper accommodations are used while preparing and transporting your meal.

customer Reviews

“I used the My Teal Ticket to order ice cream. I liked handing my order and allergens to the cashier because I didn’t have to take time telling them my allergies. I thought it was very easy to fill out and I didn’t have to worry about explaining the accommodations that I need.”



“I have two children with life threatening allergies to peanuts and tree nuts. Eating in restaurants can be very stressful and scary. I loved using the My Teal Ticket because everything was concrete and already written down. The manager where we ate was able to read the allergens and the order back to me. The ticket provided an extra layer of protection and simplified our dining experience. The manager really liked the approach. She commented on how useful it will be for pre-teens and teenagers that often forget to mention their allergies when ordering. I can see how this would take the social awkwardness out of dining out with friends for teens.”


“I think this is a great idea for people (especially kids) who are shy in general or shy about their allergies. It gives them an easy way to communicate their allergies clearly without being embarrassed. It’s really easy to use. Anyone, any age, can use it!”



How it works

Checkmark Your Allergens

Checkmark your allergens in the corresponding box

Give the Ticket to your Waiter

Hand the ticket to your waiter so they can write your order on the back! MyTealTicket will then go to the kitchen and stand out from the other tickets, further enforcing the attention that needs to be given.

Hello, I’m katie

The founder & creator of My Teal Ticket

I am striving to make a difference for those with food allergies. My family and I first realized that I had food allergies when I was two-years-old and ate a Cashew. After my reaction, my parents brought me to an allergist where results from testing revealed that I was severely allergic to tree nuts and sesame seeds.


I’m katie

The founder & creator of My Teal Ticket

I am striving to make a difference for those with food allergies. My family and I first realized that I had food allergies when I was two-years-old and ate a Cashew. After my reaction, my parents brought me to an allergist where results from testing revealed that I was severely allergic to tree nuts and sesame seeds.

Throughout the next seven years, I was extremely cautious with my food allergies and would NEVER eat a food that I wasn’t sure was safe. Although, one day when I was nine, my mom brought me and my brother to Costco. We came across several cracker samples, and because the box only listed milk and soy as the allergens, I ate one, then another, then another. My mom and I then realized that the crackers contained three types of sesame seeds once we read over the entire label before purchasing them. We forgot that sesame seeds were not a common allergen. Strangely enough, no reaction took place. I was one hundred percent fine! After a formal food challenge at the doctor’s office, my allergist told me that it was now safe to eat foods with sesame seeds. I was so happy to be able to cross sesame seeds off my list. Since it had now been seven years since my initial reaction, I did not remember what allergic reactions felt like, and I wanted to keep it that way. Unfortunately, I was soon reminded.

A year later, on Father’s Day, my family and I went to my Uncle’s house where I was offered shrimp cocktail. I was concerned about eating it as I hadn’t eaten shrimp before. However, I was reminded that I was only allergic to tree nuts. So, I ate it and immediately felt my tongue begin to sting and hives start to multiply in my throat. However, my breathing was not compromised, so no epinephrine was administered. We then rushed to the nearest Walgreens to purchase Benadryl. I turned out to be okay, and discovered two new allergens. Fish and shellfish were added onto my list. Since then, I have only had one major reaction which was due to cross-contact while on vacation in Mexico. My family and I continue to learn and we now know that we should have used my Epi-pen during both of my dangerous reactions.

I do not want anyone else to react due to cross-contact or have a life threatening dining experience.

MyTealTicket is designed to provide all of us with an opportunity to Eat with Ease.